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The overarching  objective of the Delta Presents Outreach Foundation (DPOF), is that members will connect with our communities and neighborhoods, use our time, invest resources, and work together to form meaningful partnerships and outreach services and programs that enrich our neighborhoods and communities.


How Does It Happen?

The Dream


Delta trailblazers realized the dream through the creation of a forum to publicly showcase the talent, achievement, and potential of African American male graduating seniors. Thus, the inception of “Delta Presents.” The dream was embraced by the establishment of the Foundation that took the program’s name. The legacy of the dream will be fulfilled through its mission:


  • To promote self-development

  • To provide seminars, tutoring and training that will help students to have successful educational outcomes: graduation, scholarships, and career decision making skills

  • To facilitate the scholarship search and scholarship application process

  • To assist individuals to become more civic- minded and increase community involvement

  • To operate exclusively for educational, cultural, and public service pursuits

  • To award scholarships to Delta Presents Honorees and Delta Gems who meet the scholarship eligibility requirements



The Promise

Our promise is a commitment to program excellence and outreach expansion:


  • To assist students in achieving academic and career goals

  • To provide a community resource for parents and students

  • To provide opportunities to learn from diverse cultures and ethnicities in Pulaski County

  • To empower families to help their children become well-prepared to apply for scholarships to fund their post secondary education is the Scholarship Connection Counseling Center’s mission

  • To staff the counseling center with professional educators and counselors certified by the Arkansas Department of Education and by state licensed professional counselors

  • To provide personal, comprehensive, ongoing academic advising, psychosocial support, and career development assistance



The Foundation

Delta Presents Outreach Foundation was established in 2008 to become an integral part of the community by the delivery of essential services.


Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt public charity under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of the code.


The Board of Directors represents a cross section of the professional community. Our goals are:


  • To serve as a joint partner to sponsor the Annual Delta Presents Scholarship Program

  • To administer the Sue Cowan Williams Scholarship Program

  • To implement various outreach programs

  • To host seminars on a variety of health issues

  • To coordinate voter education and registration activities

  • To inform the community on issues related to social justice




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